Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dan took the kids to school this morning and let me sleep in- what a guy!

Feeling crappy. Had lots of twitching and tingling last night before bed.



  1. Hi Kate,
    I found your blog while I was searching for info on my own post concussion symptoms. I wanted you to know that you are not alone. I had a concussion over a year ago and still have symptoms. My doc thot I had MS too, but seems to have ruled that out. I have had numbness, tingling and what feels like electrical impulses in my body, sometimes hundreds of "zaps" a day. My neurologist described this as L'Hermitte's Phenomenon and is caused by one of my discs that was pushed in my fall. When I would move my head, the disc would irritate my spinal cord causing the electrical impulses. Treatment for me has been physical therapy with traction. The PT has strengthened my neck muscles and relieved pressure on the spinal cord. Most of those symptoms have subsided. Now I am dealing with dizziness and nausea. I also had CT's MRI's, etc and eventually ended up at a neurosugeon -- one of the best in the nation -- who is the one who suggested PT. So glad I went to him even tho he is quite a distance from where I live. I see a new neurologist this week to follow up on the dizziness. I hope you heal quickly and can resume your normal life. I don't know if you believe in prayer, but I will be praying for you.

  2. Thanks Marilyn,

    I definitely believe in prayer and my relationship with God is a key part of my life. Thank you for reaching out. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone.

