Thursday, January 30, 2014


I had my 4th LENS treatment today. I have another one tomorrow. 

The benefits so far: a relaxed feeling in my shoulders, eyes, and jaw; and less sensitivity to chaos. The benefits have lasted up to a day and a half so far, and we are hoping to build on that and increase the retention. The first day they only lasted a few hours and have lasted a little longer each day.

I still have headaches and most of my other symptoms, but hopefully the more treatments I do, the more my brain will respond. Maybe the relaxation will help me sleep better and have less pain. It's possible it will lead to less headaches and my body can start to recover. 

I'm cautiously optimistic ;-)


  1. Been following your post for a few weeks. Right at 1 year Since my TBI. I appreciate your candor about your injury and sharing your experience. I'm very curious about the LENS Treatment and how well this is or isn't working for you. I'm going to a team of neurologist at the end of the month at UAB and would like to go with this information. Thanks,

    1. Good luck with your meeting with the team of neurologists! Let us know if they come up with anything new. The guy I'm seeing is a Neuropsychologist. He has a few different tricks in his bag besides LENS. I've also done z-score training and neurofield. I don't know that I've seen lasting results just yet, but it's been hopeful.

