Wednesday, February 5, 2014

6 LENS treatments

I've had 6 LENS treatments so far and I go for my 7th today. This has been a lot of trial and error. I've had some physical relaxation in my eyes, shoulders, and jaw at times, but I also had increased restlessness and trouble sleeping. There has sometimes been a new headache on top of the old one that I still have after treatment. I haven't had any increase in clarity or cognition.

It's tricky, because my Alpha waves (rest, relaxation, calm, sleep) are very low; while my Beta waves (active concentration) are very high. My brain fights hard to be actively concentrating which wears it out quickly, but it doesn't produce enough brainwaves to relax or sleep well.

I'm trying to stay encouraged and not give up. The doctor has tried different things every time and has more things he can try. I think it's just about getting it right and then building on that, but not pushing it too hard and too fast.

Please continue to pray, mostly for my emotional well being. It's been a long time since I've allowed myself to visualize hope and it's scary to not be seeing results yet.

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


  1. Hi Kate,
    How is your neck feeling after surgery?

    1. Cristina,

      The ACDF surgery really improved my quality of life. So much of my pain is reduced. I can drive again for up to an hour or so at a time and I can do a lot more in general.

      I still have a lot of other stuff going on that I'm working on, but at least my neck is better! It's been a year and 4 months since my surgery.

      Thanks for asking!

  2. LENS treatment #7 was better. I was very relaxed after the treatment and not too restless. I woke up a few times during the night and around 5am I couldn't sleep any longer. All the relaxation in my shoulders was gone and I was feeling frantic and restless again. I go back in tomorrow for another treatment.

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling better neck wise I'm in the same boat I suffer from pcs and neck issues my dr discovered I have a disk pressing on my spinal cord.. I have to go see a neurosurgeon it's really hard to tell where my symptoms stem from.. I had my accident last July.. The LENS therapy sounds a lot like

  4. Sorry I wasn't done it sounds a lot like biofeedback therapy.. I hope you find relief from this new treatment have you tried taking magnesium I had issues sleeping major and couldn't take anything because I had the worse reactions from everything so I stated taking a magnesium supplement called CALM it has helped me so much and the best part it's natural I take it before I go to sleep. Worth a try


    1. Cristina,

      Thanks for the information on magnesium. I have heard of people taking that and it helping before. I haven't tried it yet and maybe will if this doesn't do anything for me. I like to try one thing at a time so that I know where the results are coming from.

      LENS is neurofeedback, which is similar to biofeedback, but a newer set of treatments. My guy does 3 different types of neurofeedback: LENS, z-score training, and neuro-field.

      The neck surgery helped me a lot. I am way better than I was before it. I couldn't drive before and now I can for up to an hour and a half before I have to stop. I am in way less pain and my headaches that I used to get from neck tension are mostly gone (now just my regular headache).

      Good luck to you and thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh, it looked much shorter in docs. Anyway

    So I pictue a squirrel in the tree, just on the left side of the road. Let’s call him Kivi. Every day since childhood, Kivi went on a trip to the big mountain. It was a long road, or jumps between trees if u prefer, but he squirrel meet alot of other squirrels on the way so he had a good time (atleast as he recalled it).

    One night, when Kivi was asleep (or unconscious) an earhtquak hit the forest, but when the squrriel woke up he didnt notice the diffrent, he couldn’t see trees had fallen or the fluctuation in the ground, so he did as he always had done (for the last 30 years) and went on a trip to the big mountain. He was fatigued when he arrived, even more the next day and the third he was exhausted. After a years of jumping he was willing to give up, but he got help from other squirrels that told him way he was so tired. The forest had change after the earthquake.

    It didn’t make the journey any easier, cause no one knowed what actually had changed, just that it had changed, but for some reason it made Kivi feel better. So he countinued the journey day after day. Somedays it was really hard and someday it went easier (almost as before). He still couldn’t see any diffrent in the forest, he couldn’t see the fallen trees or the new ones, but he new they where there, and if the new ones didn’t make the road any easier, the knowledge about them did.

    I can only speak for myself, I don’t know why it feels good teel things it methapors, but it does, so I do it. Cause the short term effect is “feeling good” and thats a good thing when the long terms effects probobly (I can’t see, remember) good or meh. It’s the same reason i write this.

    Thoughst about the past (pre earthquake) or what if, leads more often then not to (sad face) or meh, so yeah.

    So thats it, feeling kind of done here. I’m Jonas, nicked Kivi, had postcomo (post cuncussion in english?) in 3 years now, and if there is any problems with the forest/brain Methapoor, or the squirrel (proboly the squirrel), just post. Ill check in here in a day week or something. Take care

    1. Jonas,

      Thanks for your metaphor story. I'm sure it can help people relate. It's hard to think about who you were before your concussion. I have changed a lot and I know I'll never be the person I was before. I have new priorities and a new personality. I'm not as careless anymore and I know what's important to me. I like the person I have become, though.

      I hope you can find some relief! Has there been any treatments that have given you any?

