Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, say all you want about couch potatoes like me, but The Biggest Loser is dang inspiring. After another sleepless night, I find myself sipping my coffee and watching this week's DVR'd episode. I immediately got up and made my husband and I a healthy breakfast.

I'm at a normal weight, but I guess that's not really what's important. I've been eating poorly and that's unhealthy. My husband works so hard, that I think he doesn't even have time to plan his meals. He picks up lunch after not eating all day sometimes not until 3-4 pm.

I don't want to use the word "resolution" because I've never kept one. I really just want to get our family eating better. We should eat real food! Fresh proteins and produce- whole grains! It would probably help my health too!

... end rant.

No sleep last night. It was 5am when I realized I had forgotten to take my Amitriptyline. I was totally in between sleep and awake all night. I was half dreaming all night long, and they weren't pleasant ones. Bad nightmares. I felt as if satan was pulling on me. I felt evil pressure for some of the night, and felt like the Lord helped me overcome it. It was pretty rough- scary, too!

I love God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. It's tough to feel attacked, but I will always know that God loves me and won't allow me to go through more than I can handle. Read the book of James if you don't believe me.

Hopefully I can rest today and recover from last night in time to sleep well tonight.

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