Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Morning

Kids are off to school, and I have the whole day to myself! It's such a relief to have quiet in this house. It was a tough night and morning, but it's ok now.

Lying in bed, I had the twitching on my left elbow/bicep area for only a little while, maybe a 1/2 hour. My toes were pins and needles, and a new thing happened. My lips and tongue, and kinda the whole bottom part of my mouth seemed numb and tingly. Not quite numb, but like when the lidocaine wears off at the dentist and that weird tingly feeling is there. That was present just before I fell asleep. I woke up without any numbness.

This morning I woke up with so much tiredness. I could have pulled the covers over my head and slept for hours. Dan wasn't waking right up, so I got out of bed and made it happen. I told him I would be the one to get the kids up and off to school, so I really want to follow through. If I have all day to do nothing, it's the least I can do. My head ached and I was so slow physically and mentally, but the kids got dressed, groomed, lunches made, and on the bus without too much trouble.

Going to Wii fit today at some point, will post how much I can do today and how I'm feeling after.

Headache (back of head)
Neck and back sore/stiff
Slow (physical and mental)
Body feels heavy

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